What time is check in / check out?

Check in is anytime after 3pm / Check out is 11 am


Are you pet friendly?

Absolutely, and we allow up to 2 pets per room. There is a pet charge of $15 per pet, per night.


Which rooms have an ocean view?

All of our rooms face the ocean.


Do you have a beach access?

There is a staircase off of our parking lot that goes down to the beach. At the base of the stairway, there are restrooms, foot shower, and additional parking.


Why do you have a Scandinavian theme?

The first house was purchased in 1954 and converted into apartments. The new owner was fascinated with her heritage and all things Scandinavian. She hand painted most of the design around the Overlook. 


Do you have any restaurants within walking distance?

Yes! There is a Mexican, a Chinese, and a seafood restaurant. There is also a breakfast/lunch café.


Where do you find the float balls?

The glass floats are placed all year up and down our beaches. They are hidden (in almost clear view) any time of the day along the seawall for our visitors to find. They are not put out close to the water or when the weather or ocean doesn’t permit.


Do you have laundry facilities?

No, we do not. However, there is a laundromat a mile away.


Do you have an ice machine?

We do not have an ice machine. There is a refrigerator in each room that has ice trays.

Unit 4 (our studio) has a small refrigerator that is not large enough to have ice trays.

Take a walk in the sand